“Take control of your gardening success. ChemGen.”
— Mission Statement
ChemGen are a premier UK company boasting a brand new range of scientifically engineered plant feeds, specifically formulated for the indoor grower.
Our range of nutrients consists of the highest quality base elements on the market. Specifically designed for UK water the ChemGen range is guaranteed to produce high yielding, successful, healthy crops time and time again.
For more information on our products, or our brand, feel free to navigate around our website or visit the contact us page to find out where you can purchase our range.
ChemGen Nutrients were developed with a combined growing knowledge of over 50 years in the horticultural industry. Dealing with clients on a day to day basis we took their feedback and requirements and developed the ideal soluble plant micronutrients and bio-stimulants to generate optimum growth and larger, heavier yields of the highest quality, specifically designed for UK water.
Our nutrients have been on sale in some of the largest hydroponic stores in the UK for over 5 years. ChemGen sales increase year on year as people move to our range of products taking advantage of improved returns for growers and reducing costs for our hobbyist customers.
Our stockists have seen a drastic change in store with ChemGen products taking centre stage amid our stores making greater returns from selling and promoting ChemGen with positive feedback from their customers.
We’re building a new generation of indoor gardeners, hobbyist and commercial growers who are looking to maximise their returns and knowledge.